Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Creating a delicious account

How Hard is it to create a delicious account? It is fairly easy because there are step by step direction on how to create it. The major problem is finding sites that offers what it is suppose to offer instead of misleading information. Some sites are really advertising ads trying to sell a product instead of giving information. So be aware of those misleading sites. But putting the hard work in will pay off when you are trying to remember the names of really good informational sites.


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Chapters 4 & 6 Reflecting on What I know

Integrating Computer Technology into the Classroom - Skills for 21st Century
Gary R. Morrison . Deborah L. Lowther 
Chapter 4
1. There are so many types of software; how do I know which ones to include in my lesson?  
There are five categories of software used in today’s classroom. Any of which can be adapted to any lesson plan.

  • 1.      Productivity – word processing fits into any style of teaching because it primary function is to enhance the writing process by checking spelling, grammar, etc. (94)
  • 2.     Research – Search engines is the primary type of software tools that instantaneously generate internet-based for research to allow students to identify key search terms and different types of resources on the internet. (p. 103)
  • 3.     Communication – discussion boards permits the students to post comments, answer question regarding designated discussion topic. (p. 105)
  • 4.      Problem solving – games provide ways for students to gain new knowledge or skills by providing drill and practice of previously learned materials. (p. 110)
  • 5.      Education – process tool allow students to create book reports, writing paragraphs, or work through algebra problems with step by step instructions. (p. 116)

2. I understand why students should use educational software and the Internet, but why should my fourth-grade students learn to use spreadsheet, database, or video editing software? A list of recommended software for K-2 students to use based on the ISTE NETS.
1.      Scratch – (Programming Tool); http://scratch.mit.edu/
3.      Podcasts; http://kinderteacher.podomatic.com/

3. How can student use of different types of software help improve scores on state tests? There are testing software such as the Accelerated Reader (AR) that monitor’s student skills and content knowledge by allowing them to read at their reading level and given feedback and help establish goals for students. (119)

Chapter 6:

Now that I have access the Web, how can I use it effectively?
Google Docs
Create, share
Collaboration, communication
Conversation, one on one
Video conference
Visual, multiple conversation

How can I manage students’ use of the Web in my class?  Web sites can be managed by placing the use of them in clear sight, or move about the room and monitor each computer. If you are working with small groups, you can glance at the task bar, or menu bar to see what applications maybe opened. If a student accidently opens an inappropriate web site have the student to close the lap top or turn off the monitor and report it to you.

Which features of the web do I use?
Google docs
Outline a book
School – classroom web sites
Post events about what happen or going on in the school or classroom
Collaborate with students from another schools
Discussion board
Post question for student to answer