Thursday, January 30, 2014

Creating 21st Century Classroom Using Inquiry Based Learning

Inquiry-based learning is a constructivist approach, in which students have ownership of their learning. It starts with exploration and questioning and leads to investigation into a worthy question, issue, problem or idea It involves asking questions, gathering and analyzing information, generating solutions, making decisions, justifying conclusions and taking action. ( based on definitions from Sharon Friesen and

 Readings based on Chapters 1 & 3:  Integrating Computer Technology into the Classroom; Skills for the 21st Century
 by Gary Morrison & Deborah Lowther

 Most common asked Questions:
1. Must I use an inquiry-based learning approach in my classroom to use computers as a tool?
There are three types of learning strategies used to teach students. An inquiry-based learning approach is one of those strategies which provide a means to integrate computer technology into the classroom through the use of authentic problems that is interesting to the student. So regardless of the learning approach used, computers can be integrated as a tool (p.13) 

2. Can I still use tutorials and drill and practice software?
  Yes you can, as long as it support the need of the students to solve problems.
3. Won't I have to spend a great deal of time to develop these units of instruction? Yes it will require time to prepare this unity of instruction. According to the NTeQ (iNtegrating Technology for inquiry) model, there are ten easy steps to follow when integrating computers into lesson plans (p. 15-16) 
4. Won’t every student need a computer to use it as a tool?
Every student will not need a computer if the teacher put students into group and require the students to use a system to decide how to divide each task. This will allow each student to take an active part in the assignment as well as accept the responsibility for doing his or her part. This process will help the students to educate each other (p.14).


Digital Tools in Today's Classrooms
As technology becomes more ubiquitous and mobile, it is critical for teachers and students to take full advantage of the enhanced learning opportunities provided by digital tools (59). There are questions that should be answered. 

1.     1. Why is it important to learn about different technology tools when they are constantly changing? Today schools use a wide variety to tools for learning. In order for them to be used effectively, educators and students need to be familiar with each tool.

2.      2. Most desktop computers do the same things as mobile devices, so why do teachers need to use both? Desktop computers are used for a single location whereas laptops are portable and can be use in various locations (63).

3.      3. How can the cost of digital devices be justified when the functions they perform are often limited in number and scope? Since most of the digital devices are compatibility to each other, the tools can constantly be upgraded which will save on cost of future purchase (62).

more resources:


  1. I thought your video was very effective! I really love the Charlie brown comparison! :) Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for viewing. I hope I posted something to help with your knowledge of inquiry learning.
